Slade Pharmacy’s objective 

To create a new compounding facility to support the growth of Slade Pharmacy in Victoria. 


Slade Pharmacy is a progressive and respected leader in the Pharmaceutical industry. Slade integrates hospital, community and compounding pharmacy services to the oncology sector and private hospitals across Australia. This project involved the construction of a new clean room facility to support the growth of Slade Pharmacy in Victoria. The GMP class B, C and D clean rooms comprise both laminar flow compounding and cytotoxic compounding capabilities.

Johnstaff’s role

Slade engaged Johnstaff to provide construction management services for the fit out of the new compounding facility over three levels located within a new commercial building in the heart of Richmond.  

Johnstaff worked with Slade to accept and take possession of the lease area as a new tenant.

Our role also included advising on buildability, program and costing, and providing a full construction service. This included supervising trade and specialist equipment installation contracts and managing and coordinating facility commissioning and validation.

Addressing the issues

As Slade had an existing compounding facility within the nearby hospital precinct, Johnstaff was required to work with stakeholders to carefully program commissioning activities including the relocation of critical existing equipment in a manner that would eliminate impacts on production.

To mitigate program delays caused by the base building infrastructure, Johnstaff strategically staged works and handovers to maintain end dates.

As part of our buildability review Johnstaff provided critical advice on equipment and material selections which enabled all materials to be delivered to site without costly craneage. 

map of the project location


  • Cytotoxic compounding facility developed

  • Worked with Slade’s operation team successfully transition from an existing facility

  • Project was validated ahead of schedule

  • Buildability review allowed a stick build approach on the upper level of the building