Auckland Transport’s objective

To improve customers’ journey experience in response to increasing airport demand from south and east Auckland.


Significant growth is projected in the scale of operations at Auckland Airport. Customers currently experience unreliable travel times, limited travel choices and poor journey experiences from existing transport connections. The Short-term Airport Access Improvements Single Stage Business Case (Business Case) was initiated to identify short-term access improvements that could be operational by March 2021, including an upgraded Puhinui Station.

Johnstaff’s role

Johnstaff was engaged by Auckland Transport to project manage the development of the Business Case. 

Short-term Airport Access Improvements, Auckland, NZ

Addressing the issues

Johnstaff’s key objective was to quickly develop a collaborative approach with internal Auckland Transport teams, NZ Transport Agency, professional services consultants and external stakeholders to complete the development of a robust business case in a timely fashion.

A key challenge was the urgency to complete the Business Case and navigate its framework process in a compressed timeline. To address this, Johnstaff initiated external peer reviews of the Business Case and engagement with NZ Transport Agency in parallel with the drafting. 

The Business Case was also tailored to address questions from NZ Transport Agency reviews to reduce the need for rework and minimise programme delays. 

To ensure the critical construction completion date were met, Johnstaff started the detailed design in parallel with completion of the Business Case. We allocated additional specialist resources to drive the design to ensure we maintained our strong focus on client delivery and that key project deliverables were achieved within programme.

map of the project location


  • Successfully completed the Business Case within a very challenging timeframe

  • NZTA approval of the Business Case and funding subsidy achieved

  • Specialist design advisor managed the detailed design in parallel with the Business Case completion