MIT Group Holdings Nepal (MITGHN) is developing the Sheraton Kathmandu Hotel which is located in the heart of the city. It will comprise over 220 guest rooms and the amenities will include a health club & spa, heated pool, fitness centre, multiple restaurants and a 1,000-seat ballroom.
Johnstaff was engaged to provide full design management and project management services. The majority of the Design Team was based in Singapore, with other consultants located in India, Hong Kong and locally within Nepal. The design was managed through video-conferencing and regular design coordination workshops held in Singapore which were chaired and managed by Johnstaff. Regular site visits were undertaken over a period of 4 years to review progress and negotiate contractual matters.
Johnstaff’s engagement spanned from initial Feasibility Study through to completion of the early works on site.
Kathmandu was hit but a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015, whilst the site bulk excavation was underway. The building design was subsequently significantly revised in line with new standards introduced by the Nepalese Government. Johnstaff engaged renowned seismic engineers, Miyamoto International, to undertake a review, model the building and design earthquake resilience including additional sheers walls and dampers.
Construction techniques employed were labour intensive, given the cost and abundance of labour in Nepal. This traditional construction model is time consuming and unsafe when manually hauling and lifting heavy items such as steel and equipment. Johnstaff led an initiative to procure a tower crane from China on behalf of the Client and arranged for training of the local structural contractor in the use of the crane. This was the first high-rise building that utilised a tower crane in Nepal and provided significant improvements in efficiency and safety on site.
Works provided significant local employment and skill development during construction
The first building in Nepal to contain post-tensioned structure and designed to withstand the latest stringent seismic standards
The first building in Nepal constructed with a tower crane and to have a curtain wall façade installed.The first building in Nepal constructed with a tower crane and to have a curtain wall façade installed
Poor ground conditions and shallow water table was overcome with complex retention and dewatering solutions